Two subscriptions; different content

There are two subscriptions available here at The web site produces an RSS feed which allows you to automatically receive notice of new posts, like this one. You can use an RSS reader or receive it by e-mail through the FeedBurner service. It’s your choice. It’s free, and you can unsubscribe at anytime, although I’m hoping you don’t. The RSS feed gives you the first paragraph or so of these posts, letting you know what’s been posted. Hopefully, you’ll want to click to read the whole post and/or see the photos.

The other subscription is to the Studio News. This is my e-Letter, by Constant Contact, giving you content that is not published here on the web site. To date, most of it has been tutorial in nature with writing and photography tips, but there has been some travelogue content too. These e-Letters are not archived for future viewing unless you save them. Here is the March 16th Studio News for you to sample.

One of the reasons I closed the Sojourn Chronicles web site was because I wanted to publish material differently and on one web site. I am experimenting with travelogues and full fledged articles. Subscribers to the Studio News are going to get the first efforts at this new publishing. I will be updating readers from the road in the Studio News. When the travel is over, and the full article(s) is written, subscribers to the Studio News will get the first opportunity to download and read. That’s why you want to be a subscriber. So fill out the form and get your own copy. Like the RSS feed, the Studio News is free. You can unsubscribe at any time. Both subscriptions are completely opt-in and/or out. Your subscription information or e-mail address stays right here.

And one more thing about that article download: you’ll be able to read it on your computer, iPad, e-book reader or other device. Now that’s a change in publishing efforts!

The adventure begins in less than two weeks.

See you on the highway.


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