New Feature: Share to your Kindle

The technology of sharing just amazes me, and it seems like there is so much more to sort through to make the content better and easier for you to read. Well, here’s a new one that works just perfect … almost.

Amazon has developed a plugin for WordPress users that allows creators to share the content of a post or page to a reader’s Kindle device or app. So, I thought I’d give it a whirl. This is how it looks at the bottom of my posts.


When you click on the “Send to Kindle” share button, a pop up window will appear that asks you to sign into your Amazon Kindle account, and which device you want to send it to. It’s that easy. Open your device and sync your Kindle application and the post will appear. You will have the option of archiving in your Kindle Library.

Each share is for that one item only. The plugin will not start sending you all the posts. That’s a nice feature and may just save the blogger from losing readers. Secondly, RSS Feeds and e-mail subscriptions are better suited for delivering all the posts.

I have tested this with my Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0, and it works perfectly … almost. Articles are reproduced with very crisp pages complete with photos. However, You Tube videos do not display, nor do audio/podcast files. Links are embedded to take you to the web sites that will play that content. I tested the “Send to Kindle” with my Samsung Galaxy phone with the same results.

For articles with photos, it works very well. For other media content from the likes of Google … well … it must be an Amazon Kindle vs. the rest of the world thing.

Want to test it? Click on the Send to Kindle button below. Tell me what you think.

Thanks for following and reading.


Riding out with the Hero

The Hero is a unique little video camera, formally known as the GoPro Hero HD. It shoots 1080p, and has become a favorite camera for adventurers. Just take a look at some of the videos on the GoPro web site.

I am continuing to experiment with video and still photography, and if I get a chance to combine that with motorcycling, well, it just makes it better.

So the weather looked great, and I decided to go for a ride and see some of the sights along the way. Primarily, my mission in this short ride was to combine video with still photography. Here is the final version for my experiment.

See you on the highway.


New issue of Studio News released

The most recent issue of the Studio News has been issued. If you’re not familiar with the Studio News e-Letter, you can take a look at the most recent issue, here. If you opt-in, you can get your own copy, delivered directly to your inbox.

This issue features a new photo: Power House in Fog, and a photo tip for grabbing great photos that you might otherwise miss because you’re not paying attention to all that is around you.

To keep you up to date on web sites, my other web site, Sojourn Chronicles, will be taken down at the end of this month. After that, the name and URL will point to here. This is where all the new content is being published–more photos, stories and audio. And, all the content that is at Sojourn Chronicles? It’s been archived and will be repurposed, reformatted and republished … think epub! Get your e-book readers out.

Thank you for your faithful following. The adventure continues. It’s only published in a different place.


Web site changes now underway

If you’ve been paying attention for the past week or so, you’ve noticed some changes. Here is where it’s going: All new content will be published at in new formats. Sojourn Chronicles, which has been primarily my travel related site, will be phased out by March, 2011. Don’t fret, there will be some motorcycle travel stories published along with other content.

Here is the basic format for content of


The Home page is a static landing page designed to be changed regularly. Blog posts will not change the appearance of this page. Home will feature photography, articles or sound stories and point to other items on the site as new content is added.


This is one of the biggest changes. Rather than posting stories or photography in the Blog, you’ll be getting notes to readers, activities, event coverage and commentary perhaps pointing to other pages on the web site or Internet. This is the only page that scrolls as new content is added—it’s a blog.

Words & Images

Also a big change. Here, you will find published stories of travel or event coverage worthy of a magazine article, because that’s exactly what they will look like—a page right out of a magazine. And, what if you want to read a story on your e-book reader or iPad? Download away. That’s the plan.


Although audio productions are nothing new to my work, they have been an increasing part of the storytelling in the past couple of years. AND, it’s only going to get bigger. Here, you can listen to the interviews, conversations and stories produced specifically for audio or radio consumption. In the future, some of these stories will be available as a download from iTunes so that you can take the stories with you while walking, hiking, biking, motorcycling, or looking for something different on the radio while driving.


Last, but not least, a store where you can buy one of those images that you said should be hanging on a wall. Perhaps your wall? Or, maybe a book?

Whew! That’s a lot of change. BUT WAIT, there’s more. To make sure you get the latest, subscribe to the RSS feed—e-mail by Feedburner—to get these updates in your inbox when they are created. Second, if you haven’t already, sign up for the DBrent Studio News. This opt-in e-letter is sent regularly with other announcements and occasionally coupons for the store.

Thanks for reading, and as always, I’ll see you on the highway.
