Are you one of those individuals who reads and researches to the Nth degree and ponders your reasoning before you buy something. I am one of those, especially on big-ticket items.
I have looked at other motorcycles for some time, and scrutinized a couple … very closely, reading up on all the forums, basically anyplace I could find credible information and feedback. It’s probably overkill, and may be considered part of my borderline mental health issues.
In my last post, I wrote about not buying a KLR, I thought that if I put it down on paper, out there for every one to read, that act alone would be my confirming decision. Instead, that little voice in my head nagged me even harder.
I surrendered. I bought a Kawasaki KLR 650, the 2014 New Edition.

See you on the highway!
Nice bike! Now the farkling begins :o) Have fun and be safe
No one motorcycle truly does it all. Why not have a second bike in the stable? The KLR is a historically proven bike that has been ridden around the world. The military uses a version of it as well. Great choice and I wish you well in your travels. Keep up the good work.
Although the newer KLRs might not be as hardy off-road as the older (pre-2006) models, the improvements make them more comfortable and doable for long distance trips. A good choice for a bike in between the V-Strom and the smaller bikes that are more aggressive for very rough off-road conditions. Matching the tires with your primary terrain goal is a other component. I think you will enjoy it. 🙂
Congrats, Brent. I’ll be interested to read about a new direction in your adventures.
I did something similar before I bought my WR250R. I studied that bike for 3 years before pulling the trigger to purchase one. I’m more than pleased with it.