Reflecting on 2014

Is it that time already? Another year has passed, and another year older.

It must be an age thing that keeps one reflecting on what has been done or not done as we creep towards that final call.

Bonneyville Mill
Bonneyville Mill, Bristol, Indiana. Est. 1832


One thing I did not do enough of in 2014 was photography. Will this be a resolution. No. I think not. It is a revival and change of direction from what I have been doing going back to what I used to do. Perhaps some documentary work. More writing. More audio production.

It’s time to get on with it.

See you on the highway.


1st Hike of 2013



For several months, I followed the invitations and hiking locations of the Tri-State Hiking Club in the Cincinnati area. I finally decided to join them, and ventured off for my first hike in 2013.


A Conversation with J. Brandon

Pounding out a career in marketing and media in Silicon Valley didn’t give J. Courtney Brandon the happiness and peace of mind that he was seeking. So after about two decades of work, he searched for where he wanted to live and then what he wanted to do. That’s how he landed in Nevada, and he brought along his skills to help adventure travel companies, outfitters and outdoors organizations with their marketing efforts.

J_Brandon_300x300J. provides marketing, communication and event management services for adventure travel companies through American Sahara, a company he founded. He says one of the skills adventure travel companies need to develop is utilizing social media more effectively. “For outdoor companies, social media is like sitting around the campfire.”

When he’s not helping others, J. is off on his own little mini adventures whether it be in the Nevada desert or the Sierra Nevada mountains, not far from his home.

J. and I used Skype to talk about his work and trends in adventure travel. What is it and where it’s going as more and more individuals opt for something different in their travels? Here’s our conversation, recorded November 15, 2012.


Visit J.’s website,, and/or join in the Twitter conversations around the campfire at #ATQA and #MotoChat on Wednesdays.

Thanks for listening. See you on the highway.


Another story of true love rises to the radio waves

Some time ago, my wife relayed a story of love and companionship to me. I did some follow up because it haunted me until I wrote about it.

Today, another story surfaced, and this time, it came from the public airwaves. It’s a story about injury, separation and reunification. This one appears to have a better ending. But, it’s not your typical woman and man love story.

Here is the story from NPR.

Photo courtesy National Public Radio

Make sure you listen to both audio files, the official NPR broadcast and the audio of the naturalist describing their reuniting.

There is hope for love, even in assisted living.


Earth Day 2011

It’s Earth Day 2011. It’s also Good Friday, and my own personal Fine Art Friday. To fulfill these days–celebration, worship and art–I set out with the camera and took up the microphone.
