What a year it has been. Or, has not been is more like it. Self-isolation has been the standard operating procedure. Staying home. Wearing masks when running the necessary errands to sustain life. Eliminating travel.
Staying safe created a horrible, lonely year, and in review, I made a short list of all the things I have missed.
Things I missed:
- Handshakes and hugs
- Eating at a restaurant
- Going to the movies
- Fishing with friends
- Horizons Unlimited Virginia Motorcycle Travelers Meeting
- Wandering through the vendors at art fairs and festivals
- The Labor Day Taildragger Fly-in Breakfast at Red Stewart Airfield
- Hugs and handshakes
- Motorcycle camping with friends
- The Family Picnic
- Entertaining friends at our house, or their house
- Motorcycling to coffee/breakfast/lunch with friends
- Did I mention handshakes and hugs? The human touch
Using the internet and technology, I found a way to stay in touch with friends. Maybe you have too. Do you Zoom?
Things I managed to do:
- Walks with Lin
- Motorcycle rides, but no touring
- Cooking, but I’m the cook at our house anyway
- Zoom meetings with family and friends
- Drastically reduced my alcohol consumption despite the pandemic, which really goes against the grain in these circumstances
- Binge-watch programs on Netflix
- Watch more college and pro football than ever before
- Spend way too much time on Facebook
- Bought and sold motorcycles
- Turned 70 years old in November. BTW, 70 is the new 50.
- Made love to my wife, Lin, 24/7/366. 2020 was a leap year.
Yeah. What a year. 2021 starts tomorrow, and vaccinations are just around the corner. Can I start planning now?
See you on the highway.