Abandoned barn on SR 350

The barn has seen better days. At some point in its history, someone decided it was not worth repairing or the upkeep. The structure was left to face on its own, the years of seasonal changes, stormy weather and all that mother nature could throw at it.


How long will it be before one very stiff, gale force wind will topple it leaving it in a pile of broken timbers and lumber? How long before the roof caves in? One year? Ten?


Have you restored your Farmall tractor?

Roaming around the countryside and visiting a farm or two can reveal a lot of potential for fine art images. Old tractors are great. Old tractors that look new again are fascinating.

While on the Barn Quilt Tour, I spotted this pristine Farmall tractor.

Yes. It runs. And, it proves there is more out there on the farm than John Deere.
