Barn decorations

To think that a barn only houses equipment or livestock is to not understand the farm mentality, for the barn is also an easel for landscapes and art. It is a place to display nick-knacks and things from the past. Barn siding is a blank canvas waiting for the artist.

A good pair of boots

Boots are a very personal item. A good pair of boots are like an old friend never tossed aside no matter what.

Finding a good pair of boots is a challenge. When new, they are stiff and need a good breaking in. And if what seemed like a good pair when new turns out to be not so great, it’s back to the boot store for something different. And the process starts over.

A new pair of boots


Leaves on a spring-fed pool of water

The drought continues, nearly six inches behind normal, and the streams are drying up except for those fed by a spring somewhere above the pool. Autumn leaves caress the surface, fallen from high above, the end of life as a leaf and soon to be compost.



Just a walk in the woods

The path rises and curves over the ridge out of sight creating a sense of the unknown. It is only a few yards before being able to see the other side, further down the path bringing anticipation for the trail and the revelation that comes.

Nature trail
