The first full day of Spring

The temperature increases dramatically from yesterday as a warm front rises from the south. Mostly light clouds pass overhead in a light breeze.


The mid afternoon brings darker skies and distant sounds like big trucks passing on the highway, but there are no trucks. Finally, the crack and rumble gives away the ominous presence of thunderstorms.

The wind picks up as the rain begins and then pours. Pea-sized hail slams against the house and onto the patio. Lightning illuminates the skyline.

Almost as quickly as it came, the storm passes and sunshine is peaking through.


Ohio River at Flood Stage

Wanting to get out on the motorcycle, I rode to Ault Park overlooking the Ohio River. There were quite a few other curious people examining the flood level of the river. At the time of the picture, it is about two feet above flood stage.

Ohio River at Flood_12Mar2011

Ault Park is east of the Cincinnati down town. The view is to the east looking upriver.


Dreaming of Arizona

In a few weeks, I should be heading towards Arizona for a little work and pleasure. Of course, I hope to do a little hiking, and one of my favorite spots is the Superstition Mountains just east of the Phoenix area.


There are a number of trails around the base of the mountain in the Superstition Mountains State Park, and on the other side, accessible through a new subdivision is the Peralta Trail. To the north, more trails that can take you back into the wilderness, like the one crossing Black Mesa through what seems like a tunnel passing through cholla cactus like the one above. Cholla is not a plant to be messed with. It is called the jumping cactus, and its barbed spines require pliers for removal. Just ask my wife.


February runoff or rest for the spirit

Earlier this week, we had quite a bit of rain. After the runoff, there were numerous flood warnings, and I produced a slide show of images, but this one kind of struck a chord with me. Flooding does not bring peace or respite for the soul. But yet, a place like the one depicted here can be very mesmerizing as the sound of gurgling water refreshes the spirit.

February Runoff

Listen to the sound.



Last night’s rain is today’s flooding

Fine Art Friday

It’s not exactly fine art, more like news, but it was worth photographing. The weather gave us something to be concerned about–too much rain. The ground is already saturated, so more rain just means runoff. Yesterday, the forecast was for heavy rains overnight and flood warnings today.

I ventured out with the camera and recorder to examine the water level of the Little Miami River.
