The forecasters underestimated this

Meteorology is a science, but also a guessing game. Put together all the forecasting models to get a picture of what is to come, and you prepare for that. But, every now and then, Mother Nature has a different plan as she did last night. Accumulated snow was two to three times more than predicted. We were expecting one to three inches. We got six+.

Snow Days 02-09-2021-1

It didn’t take that long to move the snow, our sidewalks and drive are not that big.

Snow Days 02-09-2021-2

Snow Days 02-09-2021-3

The snow may be a bit of inconvenience, but it also produces a bit of art, like our lower level windows.

Snow Days 02-09-2021-4

More snow and ice is forecast for tonight and into tomorrow.

See you on the highway.
