Conversations at a coffee shop


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Every week, I meet with two friends at a local coffee shop.
Arriving early, and waiting patiently, I notice the conversations
taking place around me.

The table next to ours also has regulars, and their conversation
on this morning is of a political nature, likes and dislikes, who
is a “bumbling idiot” and who will lead the nation next.

In the corner, a young man sits by himself with his laptop
with ear buds plugged in. His fingers tap away on the keyboards.
Is he listening to music? A podcast? Taking notes?

A woman passes by with her coffee and a tray. She sits and waits,
and is soon joined by a man. They converse in low volume. Are they friends?
Co-workers? Spouses? Perhaps lovers meeting on the sly.

Conversations abound all around me until finally my friends arrive.
Handshakes start the gathering. A quick note of the weather,
and a new conversation begins filling the air with camaraderie and laughter.


2 Replies to “Conversations at a coffee shop”

  1. Excellent perspective! I think that is why I enjoy coffeeshops. It allows me to be ‘outside’ or ‘inside’ personal interactions at my own choosing. Akin to being alone yet not alone simultaneously. Back in my days of free-lance writing, I was more productive at the local coffeeshops than in my home office 😉

  2. Elzi, I believe there is a tremendous amount to write about, if one is only willing to sit and observe. –Brent

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